The State of Genetic Modification

Currently there are many different points of view on this subject. Some people think it might be worth taking a look at in fact using it to help with medical research and diseases that cannot be cured. Others believe its just not ethical because of safety concerns and lack of knowing what could actually happen as a consequence of genetic editing. While the tech has been developed for genetic editing we cannot edit things without knowing what they do first. Many people also believe it's exactly like playing God in a way, that brings us to the third thought which is on religion. Many religions would not accept it and could potentially threaten people who did decide to Genetically alter their child. Since many religious figures would see it as harnessing the power of God's creation they could cause fights, riots, and maybe even potentially wars. These concerns lead us to the present state of GM which is, it cannot be used under any circumstance without being met with skepticism, fights, and issues beyond just one state or country.

Currently it's effects would harm us more than help us. The likely outcome is that we will attempt to create "designer babies" which has actually been shown to be harder than was previously believed. It would also create a distinction between the rich and the poor to the point where some people would be actually considered "superior" to others because of these Genetics. If this were to happen then eventually these lesser children would have no way to work themselve's up the chain in society. The poor would be given no hope while the rich would live perfect lives, with perfect genes, in luxury. It can still help in our society through giving people an option of stopping genetic mutations and diseases but with the limited knowledge we have now it would be very hard.