Pros and Cons of Genetic Modification
1. Can Prevent inheritable genetic diseases like Tay-Sachs
2. Can increase the life spans, intelligence, and altheticism in children
3. Can change the genome structure to allow children to be immune to more diseases without vaccines or medication of any kind
4. Can prevent genetic mutations that alter the unborn child
5. Can decrease the likelyhood of a defective gene that causes the child to have a disability
1. Meddling with the creation of a child can give other people the sense that scientists are playing god by genetically editing a child
2. Resistance to age and immunity to diseases could cause the population to skyrocket and that could have devastation consequences
3. The ability to choose gender, eye color, hair color, etc. could limit genetic diversity and natural selection would be obsolete
4. Messing with a child's genes could make them end up with genetic mutations and even more disasterous things like an uncurable, overpowering, disease.
5. It is not logically sound and could have more consequences to the poor as the rich would live with absolute perfection while the poor would slowly die out.